1. These principles and rules define the ethical standards of conduct for the members of the Board of Directors and for the specialists who work for the foundation.
  2. The main objective of these principles and rules is to create a common European administrative culture of the members and the employees of the foundation and to achieve professional ethical conduct in their work.
  3. The ethical principles and rules of conduct are mandatory for the members of the Board of Directors and for the persons who work for the foundation. The ethical principles and rules of conduct /EPR/ are part of the direct obligations of the members and the employees of the foundation.
  4. Each member and employee of the foundation is obliged to observe the EPR, the provisions of Regulation № 2/24.10.2014 and of Regulation №3 / 24.10.2014, the Family code, the legal framework on intermediation in international adoptions, the Hague Convention of 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the international acts, adopted by the Republic of Bulgaria, which are part of its domestic law.




  1. The members of the Board of Directors and the employees in the foundation must have moral qualities, training and experience in the international adoptions.
  2. The members and the employees in the foundation have no right to work in specialized institution or social service for residential type for children or territorial division of the Agency for Social Support.
  3. The members and the employees in the foundation carry out the activities of the foundation in compliance with the best interests of the child and in accordance with the regulations in the field of the international adoption and child protection.
  4. The employees and the members of the foundation are obliged to exercise their rights and obligations conscientiously.
  5. The employees owe loyalty and respect to the clients when carry out their activities and comply with the EPR.
  6. The employees in the foundation are obliged not to disclose facts and circumstances become known to them during the work that they carry out or they have carried out.
  7. The foundation, the members and the employees cannot derive undue financial benefits from the intermediation in international adoption.
  8. The members and the employees cannot require and receive from the adoptive parent funding that exceed the maximum amount of intermediation of the respective country.






  1. The employees and the members of the foundation fulfill accurately, precisely and in time all the obligations laid down in Regulation № 3 and in Regulation № 2/ 24.10.2014.
  2. The employees and the members of the foundation provide in time full assistance to the clients at all stages of the procedure for the international adoption.
  3. The employees and the members of the foundation provide any and all necessary assistance and support to the clients in the territory of Bulgaria during their contact with the child and during the second trip for picking up the child.
  4. The employees and the members of the Board of Directors provide assistance and support to the child as necessary during the contact with the clients and during the departure of the child.
  5. The employees for the foundation: lawyers, psychologist, pediatrician, translator also observe ethical rules related with the exercising of their activities. / Code of Ethics of the lawyer, Code of Ethics of the psychologist, Good medical practices for the pediatrician, Code of Ethics of the translator /.
  6. All employees are obliged to observe the confidentiality of the information which they become aware during the implementation of their activities.
  7. In their work, the members and the employees in the foundation are guided by the basic principles that every child has the right of protection and family and the international adoption is its best environment for development.
  8. Guiding principle of conduct is everyone of the employees for the foundation and of the members of the Board of Directors to work toward strengthening the good reputation of the foundation in the countries where is has permission for intermediation.
  9. The employees and the members of the foundation are obliged to be strict, competent, honest and disciplined and to implement their obligations in a perfect way.
  10. The employees in the foundation and the members are obliged to assist and support the clients and after the adoption of the child /children/.




  1. In the relations with the other employees and members of the Board of Directors everyone is guided by principles of correctness, ethics, honesty, co-operation and mutual respect.
  2. To work in team and in full coordination of customer service and movement of the documents and other.
  3. To support every employee in the occurrence of problems during the adoption procedure through advices, consultations or additional participation of specialist needed to solve the problems.
  4. Every employee has the right to initiate proposals and ideas for improving the work.
  5. During the implementation of their duties the employees coordinate their activities with the Chairman of the Board of Directors or with a member from the Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors or a person, who replaces him, set the specific tasks to the employees in the foundation.
  6. The Technical Assistant strictly fulfills his duties as specified in his job description.


  1. RELATIONS with foreign accredited organizations /FAO/


  1. The employees in the foundation and the members act with correctness, loyalty and professionalism in their relations with FAO.
  2. They inform correctly for all the terms and requirements of the Ministry of Justice and the other institutions in respect of the necessary documents, the contacts with the child, the trip to Bulgaria and all the needed information about the adoption procedure.
  3. They collaborate collegial before, during and after the adoption procedure.
  4. They inform about all the legislative changes in Bulgaria in the field of international adoptions.
  5. They undersign agreements for collaboration in the field of international adoptions.
  6. They keep permanent electronic connection, Skype connection with FAO.
  7. They carry out regular meetings with the representatives FAO to improve and expand the activities of the foundation.
  8. They organize joint actions and projects to support children and specialized institutions for children.




  1. The members and the employees in the foundation are obliged to be correct, to be professionals and to implement accurately the instructions given by the Ministry of Justice.
  2. To keep permanent connection with the Directorate of International Legal Protection of the Child and International Adoptions regarding the implementation of the activities related with the intermediation in the international adoptions.
  3. To fulfill accurately all the obligations of the foundation provided in Regulation 2 and 3 of 24 October 2014 on the Ministry of Justice.
  4. They must be correct and professionals in the fulfillment of the obligations in the collaboration with the specialized institutions for children’s placement, with the Regional Directorate Child Protection, with the Sofia City Court, with the embassies and others.
  5. The employees and the members of the foundation are obliged to send a signal in case of failure to observe the interests of the child or the rights of the client.


I assign the control on the observations of the EPR to E. Ivanova.